5 Simple Ways to Save Water at Home

In the current climate, and especially in drought-stricken areas, it’s becoming increasingly important to conserve water to help ensure that there is enough of this natural resource to go around. One way we can all help is by conserving water around the house. There are many ways to cut down on needless consumption. Here are five simple ways to save water in your daily routine.
1. Wash Full Loads
Laundry is a household chore we do all the time, and its water use really adds up. While you may not realise it, washing anything less than a full load wastes a good deal of water. Kill two birds with one stone by doing laundry less often in the interest of H2O.
When it comes to smarter laundry habits, remember that planning is key. Sometimes, we wash clothes quickly to wear a favourite shirt or cross a chore off our list. Whatever the reason, it’s time for a change! Start small to do your part for water wellness.
2. Avoid Constant Watering
Have you ever noticed neighbours with daily sprinklers? Lawn care goes a long way towards being house proud, but there’s no need to overdo it. In fact, lightening up on lawn watering will mean less work for you and less water wasted.
When the time comes, saturate the soil more than usual. Letting your grass go longer in between waterings lets the roots draw on soil moisture. Besides, what penetrates the ground isn’t wasted on evaporation, so you’re doing double duty.
3. Stop Running Water
As obvious as this sounds, running water is quite wasteful. Whether you’re washing vegetables, brushing your teeth or washing the dishes, turn off the faucet when you’re not using it. This habit may be hard to break at first, but it is well worth the effort.
Another option is taking shorter showers or turning the water off when you’re not washing or rinsing. For example, try turning off the water for a minute to shave or shampoo. We understand that turning off the warm water in the middle of a chilly New Zealand winter isn’t for everyone, but there are certainly ways to cut back on mindless waste.
4. Reuse Water
Greywater refers to water that’s been used before for showering, bathing or washing clothes. It’s still relatively clean and okay for other uses like watering the lawn. While there are multiple harvesting methods, a group called Greywater Action suggests a 24-hour reuse period.
Another option is storing rainwater in plastic water tanks. It makes the most of a naturally available resource perfectly fit for later use. These tanks are especially helpful for large properties or those with extensive landscaping and are one of the most impactful ways to save water, with tanks coming in various sizes to suit most applications.
5. Fix Your Leaks
Do you have a leaky faucet? What about a tub? Does your toilet never stop running? The list goes on. There are plenty of places for wear and tear in your home, including potential leaks. Taking care of household leaks prevents loads of wasted water over time.
Besides being water savvy, conservation saves you money. Flushing water down the drain is as silly as throwing dollars out the window. Do your part to save the planet and conserve our valuable resources. At the end of the day, it’s a smart decision all around.
Final Thoughts
Saving the planet is a top priority, and you’re wise to take action. Conserving water is simpler than you might think and mainly a matter of practice. Whether it’s better scheduling laundry days, minding the grass or shortening your showers, there are countless ways to save water and contribute to making the world a greener place.
Thankfully we can contribute ourselves by providing New Zealand with a large selection of the best quality plastic water tanks by reputable brands Devan, Rx Plastics and Promax. What to know more? Contact us for more information, or get a free water tank quote here.